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Ode à la Rose delivers beautiful flower arrangements to Bay Ridge residents in zip code 11209. Our flower delivery service and florists are best in class. Each bouquet is made in our flower shop and delivered to your door.

115 bouquets


They talk about us

“Bravo Ode a la Rose”

The birthday arrangement was gorgeous. Special shoutout for sending me a picture of the actual delivery, and the outstanding communication throughout the delivery process. Highly recommend Ode a la Rose

avatar of Kathleen Byrd Kathleen Byrd

“Delivered on time”

Delivered on time, beautiful quality

avatar of John Doe John Doe

“The arrangement was beautiful and…”

The arrangement was beautiful and exactly as pictured on the website. The recipient loved it. Sending this was the perfect way to let someone know they are celebrated and loved. We were kept informed of the status throughout the ordering process. I am

avatar of Sara Carpenter Sara Carpenter

4.5 out of 5

Based on 3331 reviews



Like several other neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Bay Ridge is acclaimed for retaining small town charm even in the heart of a big city. Located on the banks of the Narrows, just across the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge to Staten Island, Bay Ridge feels distinctly removed from the rest of Brooklyn.

Back in 1977, the area became famous as the setting for the John Travolta disco classic Saturday Night Fever. However, Bay Ridge is hardly a star-struck area today. Instead, the neighborhood is characterized by its local businesses and large population of immigrants. Both factors come into play with the area’s dining scene, which is unique, exotic, and full of well-kept secrets. Tanoreen has been serving up sizable portions of authentic Middle Eastern food for the better part of two decades, while Brooklyn Beet Company offers Central European cuisine—including burgers a bit different from anything else you’ve ever tried. If you’re planning a date in the neighborhood and want to make it more romantic, you might consider scheduling a flower delivery to your Bay Ridge destination. Ode a la Rose can help you arrange to have a bouquet waiting for you when you and your date sit down for dinner.

Ode à la Rose is your go-to florist when you need to order flowers online in NYC. We deliver flowers to many other neighborhoods in Brooklyn.

Flower Delivery Brooklyn
  • Same Day Delivery

    In NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Austin and Miami. Next day delivery throughout the US

  • Arranged Locally

    Our flower arrangements are meticulously arranged right here in the United States at one of our seven local ateliers, where we bring the artistry of French bouquet creation to life

  • Signature Gift Box

    Most of our arrangements are delivered in our distinctive pink box, ensuring the full impact of your considerate gift while safeguarding the flowers

  • Receive a Photo

    What you see is what you get! And as proof, we'll send you an email with a picture of your bouquet