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Williamsburg, VA flower delivery

For those moments in Williamsburg, VA when only flowers can say it best, rely on Ode à la Rose’s timely and fresh flower delivery. Our bouquets are crafted to pair with every occasion—or even just to brighten a mundane day. Place your order now.

54 bouquets


“Beautiful flowers”

Beautiful flowers

Kavita Kamlani
“This was my first time to order from…”

This was my first time to order from this company. My mother was turning 80 I know and I wanted something special for her. I ordered double orchids and it exceeded my expectations! There were two large orchids and And several smaller orchids any large con

Victoria Livingston
“A small token of gratitude for a friend. ”

Sent the small 7 Rose arrangement to a friend who helped me out. She loved it.

Susan R.

4.5 out of 5

Based on 3169 reviews
