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Classic Small Wedding Collection

Give your event a timeless elegance with our classic flowers. Our charming bouquets, boutonnieres, and table arrangements feature a loose gathering of elegant white and ivory roses, lisianthus, and tulips for a graceful touch to any wedding or event.

Classic Low Centerpiece

Classic Low Centerpiece

This classic white and green arrangement is brimming from a low silver footed bowl filled with a beautiful collection of flowers perfect for any table. The flowers featured include fluffy hydrangea, graceful tulips, lisianthus, frilly Queen Anne’s Lace, and roses, with seeded eucalyptus foliage. Varieties may vary.


Classic Tall Centerpiece

Classic Tall Centerpiece

This tall and dramatic centerpiece is an elegant combination of ivory and white flowers finished with a backdrop of green foliage, designed in a loose and airy style, raised upon a thin silver metal stand. The flowers may include hydrangea, roses, lisianthus, tulips and peonies.


Classic Cocktail Arrangement

Classic Cocktail Arrangement

A modern glass vase brimming with fluffy white flowers and foliage. This arrangement features hydrangea, tulips, lisianthus, sweetpea, spiral and silver dollar eucalyptus and geranium leaves, and is available from January until June.


Classic Bridal Bouquet

Classic Bridal Bouquet

A loose gathering of elegant white and ivory flowers including textural foliage. This bouquet may include roses, lisianthus, spray roses, tulips, and other coordinating flowers, accented with gunni eucalyptus, Italian ruscus, and white wax flower. The stems will be finished with an off white ribbon cuff.


Classic Bridesmaid Bouquet

Classic Bridesmaid Bouquet

This bouquet is a smaller gathering of elegant white and ivory flowers including textural foliage mirroring the white & green bridal bouquet. This bouquet may include roses, lisianthus, spray roses, tulips, and other coordinating flowers, accented with gunny eucalyptus, Italian ruscus, and white wax flower. The stems will be finished with an off white ribbon cuff.


Classic White Rose Boutonniere

Classic White Rose Boutonniere

White rose accented with a seasonal foliage and stems finished with a black ribbon detail.


Classic Flower Head Wreath

Classic Flower Head Wreath


Classic White Spray Rose Boutonniere

Classic White Spray Rose Boutonniere

White or sandy taupe spray rose blossoms accented with a seasonal foliage and the stems finished with a black ribbon detail.


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